Harry Potter and the Politics of Hate

As J.K. Rowling’s rich allegory reminds us, intolerance is an inner battle.

Tagline from this short film. What is written below the video follows the same path.

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Extremely important message carried throughout this short film and throughout J.K. Rowling’s writing and her lack of fear facing up to the bullies who aren’t brave enough to be the opposite of ‘Mean.’

For those Potterheads (like myself) . and for those not involved in this world . it makes no difference . the message needs to be heard . Beware of the Danger surrounding our world . it is Real as Real Can Be .

I am a member of The Resistance . being vigilant . not allowing myself to be hypnotized by the spewing rhetoric of the alt-right & the influences not-my-president is receiving from outside influences who through puppetry . rigged the election of the United States of America . allowing the wrong person to govern our Free Nation . someone who does not play well with others.

Just keep aware. Watch this video . see . hear . read the story it is portraying . in it’s honesty . wanting to safeguard our world from fascists who are attempting to usurp Freedom from every direction. Just watch & listen . Let your mind heart and soul be open. Imagine Peace. It would be possible. – j.kiley

Harry Potter and the Politics of Hate | Kaija Siirala

Ratings . . . PG (Violence . Evil . Fascism . Battle)
Short Film . . . 4m 18s

Scenes . . . Film clips from Harry Potter Films with words added over the visual proclaiming the levels of a growing intolerance surrounding everything and everyone throughout the (8) films produced from the (7) books of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Article & Film by Kaija Siirala
June 23rd 2017 | Fandor

Although the series was originally intended for children, many adults also have been drawn to the world of Potter. This crossover appeal is due to the fact that the story often works on multiple levels; creator J.K. Rowling has worked in a criticism of racism, intolerance, and xenophobia. In setting her World of Magic amidst a population of non-magic-wielding “Muggles,” Rowling creates an “Other” that the evil Voldemort and his cronies can target as they rise to power.

In this culture of discrimination, anyone who is “tainted” by non-magic blood is considered less than. There’s even a fictional slur—“Mudblood”—to show the hatred and vitriol that comes with this prejudice. Interestingly, as fans of the Potter series will know, Voldemort himself is “Muggle-born,” and his hatred stems from his own insecurity and self-hatred. The allegory is all too apparent as Rowling paints the ultimate evil (Voldemort) with the prime objective of obliterating those who are not like him. He even installs his own lackey in the Ministry of Magic, which begins to parallel a Fascist state. In June, Rowling posted an essay to her website, On Monsters, Villains and the EU Referendum, laying out the problems with the exclusionary politics that underscored the Brexit vote.

Harry Potter is indeed a tale of a magical world that parallels our own—one of coming-of-age friendship and humor—but the subtext clearly instills the values of combating injustice and repression of marginalized people. Judging from the trailers for Fantastic Beasts, Rowling has not shied away from these themes, and we can expect them in films to come.

4 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Politics of Hate

  1. Very good post, Shawn. I have loved all the Harry Potter movies and immediately understood what they were “on about” from the beginning. It is a message I hope all the readers and viewers in the younger generation “got.” I’m sure it could not be missed! Let’s hope they act upon the message in future. It was so interesting to watch the world of magic being taken over by what started out as the restless spirit of a forgotten boy named Tom, who grew into the evil snake wizard Voldemort. The movies, books, and their message is one for the ages: “Intolerance and hate come from inside of us, and these things can also be controlled from inside of us.” I for one could not read through the first Harry Potter book because of the way his adopted “parents” abused him. It struck too harsh a chord in me. But I will take up the task to read them, now I know how it all turns out in the end.

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